Development Shop Wiley Cousins Launches Programming and Circuits Classes

Computer scientist and sculptor H. Cole Wiley teamed up with engineer Michael Cousins for the design and development shop in New Orleans, Wiley Cousins, that is preparing to launch its newest endeavor, a programming and a circuits class.

Wiley CousinsWiley will teach the twelve week Intro to Programming, which begins tomorrow, March 5th at 5:30 PM at Propeller. The Intro to circuits will be taught every Sunday, beginning March 16th, by Cousins.

Wiley says the “not related, just clever” duo have a great set of overlapping skills because they think in the same space, yet studied different mediums.

The development shop is home to a number of skills including hardware design and development, embedded wireless and wifi, Android and iOS apps, and physical prototyping and production. Wiley Cousins also has its own 3D printer and computer numerical control (CNC).

The programming class will be taught in processing, a programming language and integrated development environment (IDE) that was created by artists and is meant for visual artists to be able to express ideas through code. Wiley says it has a straightforward syntax and is great for beginnings or more seasoned developers who don’t have experience in visualization.

Wiley says the class objective is that after three months, the participant knows enough that you can understand the language to the point where you can recognize a problem, troubleshoot, search the web, ask the right questions and implement the answer in the code. Wiley hopes the participants will go out and continue learning and coding on their own.

Cousins will be teaching a complete introductions to circuits, starting with electricity and how volts works and moving on resistors, transistors and ending with participants actually building something.

Note: the programming class is open-ended and participants are not required to attend all classes; they will be caught up each time. However, it is not recommended to a miss a circuits class or you will fall behind.

Those interested can find out more and register at