Zaarly Launched Today

If you haven’t heard, Zaarly launched today.  One of the fastest go-to market startups ever, Zaarly could disrupt entire buying cycles of the world.  Or not.

Whatever the outcome of this startup in the coming weeks/months/years, Zaarly is a crazy cool startup that is breaking the ‘best practice’ rules of launching a startup.  The fact that it is headed up by the ex-President of Kauffman Labs, Bo Fishback, makes their no-rules approach to launching all the more ironic.  Or awesome.

So what’s Zaarly? Its a proximity-based utility that empowers buyers to get what they want, when they want.  Launched at Startup Weekend Los Angeles in March 2011, it had its beta test at South by Southwest (SXSW).  Now 10 weeks old, this startup has launched its product to the market.

In a nutshell, Zaarly allows you to post what you want, when & where you want it, and how much you’ll pay to get it. For sellers, it provides a new way to earn some money (to which Zaarly says, “You’re welcome.”).

Will it work? Not even Bo Fishback knows. But Zaarly has worldwide interest. In a conversation with Bo at Big Omaha, I learned there are tens of thousands of users around the globe who are eager to jump on the Zaarly bandwagon. Things look promising.

Watching the Zaarly’s pre-launch activities, one theme continued to emerge: this product only works when everyone works together.  The Zaarly team worked hard to find community leaders, build community interest, and bring a national/global brand down to the level of where people live, work, play.

Bo shared a number of the Zaarly team’s secrets at Big Omaha, describing how the team is operating at the outermost edge of awesomeness in:

  • Ambition
  • Authenticity
  • Confidence & humility
  • Honesty, usually exhibited as candidness *
  • Eagerness to experiment, listen & learn
  • Gratitude
  • Get shit donedness **

* Candid conversations are faster and more work gets done.

** Get shit donedness is a key to executing anything, and a critical component to launching a startup

We even hear Zaarly may be making its way to down to New Orleans.

To experience Zaarly for yourself, sign up at, or download the mobile app.  Tell your friends.  Then share what you think here in the comments.  Zaarly is all about the community.   Join the conversation!