Green the Gras Competition: Submit your idea to “green” Mardi Gras

LifeCity and Social Entrepreneurs of New Orleans (SENO) are teaming up to make Mardi Gras more socially and environmentally responsible. Anyone with a sustainable idea can submit it to the Green the Gras competition. Unlike traditional business plan competitions, participants do not need to submit a completed business plan. Entrants need only submit a short proposal, due Thursday September 15th at 11:59pm online here.

Green the Gras hopes to encourage sustainable business ideas that will help make New Orleans’ largest celebration, Mardi Gras greener while maintaining the holiday’s spirit and energy. The competition also allows existing and emerging social entrepreneurs to hone their pitch and presentation skills and provides a platform to facilitate connections and partnerships between people with resources, useful contacts, and similar ideas.

Three finalists will be selected to pitch their ideas to a large audience and panel of judges at the Green the Gras 2011 Competition, prior to SENO’s annual PitchNOLA on October 6th. It will be held from 5:30-6:30 at Tulane University. The judges will select a winner who will receive $1000 from LifeCity plus executive mentorship, consulting, and pro-bono technical assistance provided by SENO.

For more information about the competition, please contact LifeCity at