I’m super excited/honored to be writing “Conversations with Megan” every Friday for Silicon Bayou News. Here’s a run down of what you can expect:
I’M NOT A SOCIAL MEDIA EXPERT. I don’t even know how you can be an expert in a new and ever changing medium in the first place. What I am, is an interested, lifelong student keeping up with the trends as best I can. I have some unique (and maybe not so unique) insights and knowledge. And if you’re reading this, you probably have some of your own!
So we’re going to do things a little differently…
Every week, I’ll crowdsource on a specific social media related topic such as automation, new features on Facebook and Twitter as well as other social sites and tools, new social conversation platforms, #etiquette, etc. Then, I’ll use your responses along with my own research to craft an interactive post that reads just like a conversation and provides useful information in bite sized pieces. Doesn’t that sound fun?
I hope you’ll join in the conversations and share your expertise and ideas! I’m @heyitsmegan on twitter and here’s my Facebook page.
Have ideas or burning questions on any specific topics? Email them to me at megan@conversations.be.