Startup Weekend Baton Rouge came to a close last night after several promising new companies pitched their ideas.
AudienceAmp won first prize and will continue on to compete in the Global Startup Battle during the week of Thanksgiving. AudienceAmp is, “A mobile platform for realtime audience participation with post event analytics and reporting.” Sign up for their beta launch by clicking here, follow @AudienceAmp on twitter or check them out on Facebook to keep up with their progress.
Second prize went to with an app that alerts vehicle owners of issues with their cars ranging from dead batteries to getting towed. The prize included one year of free hosting from Follow @NotiphyMe on twitter or on Facebook.
Other competing start-ups included, ValveBoss, and Fan54. Read more about the weekend and the pitches at the Startup Weekend Baton Rouge website and keep an eye out for further developments with all of these great companies.