What’s your signature #?

Everyone’s got their signature hashtag – from @MollyOehmichen‘s #tietuesday to @Liz_Money‘s #newleaf. It can be business-related or just for fun, a one-time tag or a recurring theme.

ANYTHING can be hashtagged. It can be an actual tag you want to be searched for or something completely made up and run together like my favorite injured pride tag #biggirlsdontcry.

A couple of years ago, I started chronicling my experiences going back home to Cajun country with the hashtag #backhome. From twit pics of me in camo shooting a gun to my grandpa accusing me of only coming home for funerals,  I’ve let my followers take a peek inside of where I come from. From this, I’ve developed a lot of relationships with people who are either just amused by these posts or experiencing similar family time.

Here are some tweets from my visit home this Thanksgiving (which lasted for 3 days, which was about 2 days too long):

So what’s your signature hashtag?