Jared Loftus, the Baton Rouge entrepreneur and owner of crowd-sourced collegiate apparel company College District, was named by Forbes as “College Football’s Biggest Entrepreneur“.
The glowing article details how Loftus started Tiger District, expanded into ecommerce, and recently launched College District. The article notes that College District fulfills 1,500-2,000 orders a week and is on pace to do nearly $1 million dollars in sales this season.
In addition to College District/TIger District, Loftus also runs food truck Taco de Paco (Best of 225 Taco Truck and recently featured on the Cooking Channel show, Eat St.), Ninja Snowballs (Snowball Truck), Entrepreneur Headquarters – a co-working space for entrepreneurs and Socially Awkward (Social Media Consulting).
Loftus was also recently recognized as a member of the 2011 Silicon Bayou 100. You can learn more about him here or follow him on twitter.