Apply to be a Buspreneur with the StartupBus

Buspreneur stickers! Photo by Arne Hulstein.

The StartupBus is preparing to kick off its third year of app-building on the trek to SXSW. A few weeks ago, Peter Bodenheimer wrote a piece for us on why New Orleans wants a StartupBus – and we’ve seen a lot of support from the local community.

Now, the StartupBus has opened applications up to individuals who want to ride the bus & make cool stuff on the way to SXSW. Enter buspreneurs.


StartupBus founder Elias calls those who take the trip, “buspreneurs.” Here’s what the website says about them:

A buspreneur is someone who has participated in the StartupBus challenge. By being a part of the StartupBus, you will join a rich alumni community — which if the 2010 contingent is anything to go by, means a group that will help you find a co-founder, find investment, find a job, find people to attend your events, and find people that can give you advice for your new projects.

This alumni community will grow in time and by being part of it will allow you to tap into a global network of talented entrepreneurs, all connected by the shared experience that is the StartupBus.

If that alone doesn’t convince you that it should be your deepest desire to hop on a bus for three days and build a start-up: there’s more to it. The more people who apply to ride the bus in Louisiana, the more likely we are to get a bus leaving from here. So not only do you get an opportunity to build a great product with other talented and passionate folks, the whole state benefits from our combined efforts.

Okay, I’m In!

Woohoo! Now, to become a Buspreneur, you have to apply on the StartupBus website. Don’t worry, the application isn’t very long:

This is the application - it only takes a second!

If you login and it says you need an invite, ask around and see if anyone has one or just tweet & facebook post about how New Orleans wants a StartupBus from here, and they’ll probably send you one.

Nearly there!