New Orleans RTA Releases First Round of Transit Data

Photo by Eric Pancer

The New Orleans RTA has released the first round of transit data available for download and use by software developers.

The RTA has long been known as a convenient and inexpensive way to travel the city. Since 1835, the RTA has grown to include 3 streetcar lines and 32 bus routes. The system is continually improving and rebuilding upon its roots. The city plans on making real-time data available, which will continue to modernize to system.

Rachel Heiligman Executive Director of Transport for NOLA, explains why this is a big step for the RTA:

“We’re excited about this data set being public and look forward to seeing what people come up with – our hope is that this data can be combined with other data sets like bike routes to begin to create multi-modal transportation trip planning apps.”

The GTFS feed, which provides the RTA’s map and schedule, data can be accessed using the following instructions:

1) Go to

2) Set up a MyRTA account

3) Choose Data Subscription

4) Agree to License Agreement

5) You will receive download instructions.