4.0 Schools and Kickboard are hosting the Entrepreneurial Cohort Party this Wednesday, April 4th from 6:30 – 8:00 pm. This event will include an informal panel, a meet and greet, and free pizza! Attendees will have a chance to learn more about the education entrepreneurs here in New Orleans.
A few Teach for America alums have recently been asking for support and feedback on their startup ideas that could revolutionize the classroom. Seating in limited, so RSVP here today to hear some of the stories from the city’s newest education entrepreneurs.
The event will be held at the Kickboard headquarters: 935 Gravier Street, 16th floor (between O’Keefe and Common in the CBD).
- Chapman Snowden – Founder, Kinobi
- Ana Maria De Vries and Grace Landrieu (GNO CMs) – Co-Founders, Dash
- Trey Medbery (Delta alum) – Schools Manager, EverFi
- Jessica Bialecki (GNO alum) – Founder, Classroom Blueprint
About the Hosts:
4.0 Schools is working on solving the toughest problems in schooling. They are focused on transforming outcomes for students in the southeast. They build community, cultivate talent, and create schools and tools. [Read more]
Kickboard promotes academic progress by providing tech apps for teachers through web-based software. The company helps teachers and administrators save time while building a classroom culture. [Read more]