Contact 2012 to Provide Networking Opportunity For Government Contracts This Thursday

Contact 2012 is a free networking conference with government agencies, prime contractors, and small businesses. The free event is being held May 24, 2012 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the NASA Michoud Assembly Facility.

Last year, Contact 2011 was a huge success, hosting over 800 participants and 123 exhibitors. Over 600 businesses were represented at the event. Contact 2012 will again be an great networking opportunity for government agencies, small businesses, and prime contractors. The hosts look forward to, “transmitting opportunities,” to small businesses that will enhance their growth, while showcasing the NASA Michoud Assembly Facility’s Manufacturing Community (the event includes a tour of the facility).

The agenda includes a keynote from the LED Louisiana Fast Start Program and three breakout opportunities where attendees can participate in NASA SLS Presentation and Opportunities, New Orleans Multicultural Tourism Network Opportunities, and Greater New Orleans Sports Foundation Opportunities.

To register and find more information, visit: