All About You: Grant Morris

Grant Morris, a New Zealand native, moved to the US in 1985 and made his way to New Orleans in 1990. Like many of us, he came here with no real plans. Now, he’s a screenwriter, founder, broadcaster, and entrepreneur all rolled into one at It’s New Orleans! It’s a web radio show geared towards locals and people outside of the city that have a connection to it. No matter where we are, many of us are still locals at heart. He’s on a mission to keep local radio around for years to come.

When asked what inspires his most about the city, he responded, “There’s something about New Orleans that makes you either love it or hate it. It’s hot, it’s dirty and it’s dysfunctional, but there’s something special about attitudes and priorities here. People are welcoming and tolerating and open minded and fun, and there is amazing music everywhere. It feels like home.” Read the full interview from Opportunist Magazine here.

Follow him on Twitter @grantmo or learn more about the site at See how he answered our questions below:

What is the most exciting thing you are working on right now?

If you wrote a regular column for Silicon Bayou News what would it be about and what would you name it?

Here’s Another great Idea I’m Surprised Nobody Thought Of.

If you could win any award in the world, which would you be most proud to possess?


If you were stuck on an elevator for two hours, what one person (dead or alive) would you choose to be stuck with?

An elevator repair person.

IYO, which institution is most due for disruption?


If you had to pick one drink to describe yourself (alcoholic or non-alcoholic) what would it be?


Tell us about your biggest failure.

Fastband globalcast.

What’s your favorite thing to do on a Sunday afternoon?


If you could eat one thing for the rest of your life what would it be?

Chocolate cake.

If you could live in any other time period, which would you choose?


What are you most excited about happening on the Silicon Bayou that you aren’t directly involved in?


The standard superpower dichotomy:
