#BarCampNOLA 5 According to Twitter
#BarCampNOLA 5 was two days of pure awesome at One Canal Place in Downtown New Orleans on July 14th and 15th. Organized by @Tritico and @NickyMast- it was the best one yet!
Storified by Molly Oehmichen · Tue, Jul 17 2012 07:00:22
If this doesn’t get you pumped up for @barcampnola tomorrow we don’t know what will… http://pic.twitter.com/plxUl1IYSilicon Bayou News
It is impossible to overstate the importance of our #sazerex logo from @hopnjaunt, our favorite creative agency. https://p.twimg.com/AxiM5bECMAEZR-l.jpg:largeBarCampNola
Who’s ready for #barcampnola!? http://pic.twitter.com/ZsU9XJCCverarocks
.@mollyoehmichen is packing them at @barcampnola for her @SiliconBayou talk. #BARCAMPNOLA http://pic.twitter.com/s5KBYtuWBarrett Conrad
RT @verarocks: Welcome to #barcampnola! /cc @barcampnola http://pic.twitter.com/YRT8ValxAly & John
Lesson 1: Test Grade level of your Content! Via @MollyOehmichen Talk Techie 2 Me in the Mintjupelasaurus room! #BARCAMPNOLA #PRKris Gabik
jQuery UI Widget Factory learning from @togakangaroo #barcampnola http://instagr.am/p/NEc-AGpYOB/Andrew Larimer
RT @SiliconBayou: .gerardramos recommends @balsamiq, @codeigniter, @treehouse, @codecademy for novice prototyping on the web. #barcampnolaKurtis R.G.
RT @andrewlarimer: The masses assembled for #barcampnola Day 2 project announcement http://instagr.am/p/NElmI8pYFQ/BarCampNola
GE Capital needs 150 Java Developers in the next 3 years. #barcampnolaverarocks
Follow @jmdbr @GECTCNola for opportunities and news about GE Capital. #barcampnolaverarocks
#barcampnola RT @Toffleresque: Chief Technology Officer for GE Finance. #Nola http://pic.twitter.com/euWLAp5OSilicon Bayou News
Q. Why New Orleans? A. Why not?NOLA has flavor. Bringing 300 IT jobs. @jmdbr CIO GE Capital. #barcampnolaGerard Ramos
#gamify #BarCampNOLA RT @KrisGabik In Hand Grenadedon Room ready for @jquave 2 blow our minds with Gamificatiin http://instagr.am/p/NEu_64ryP7/Touch Studios, LLC
Just left #barcampNOLA where I gave a spur of the moment presentation on local search and learned a lot. Stoked for Hack Day.Dan Lawton
.@barrettconrad & @liz_money are dueling in #streetfighter… #barcampnola http://pic.twitter.com/qTlUNjJPMolly Oehmichen
Wrapping up a long awesome day with a little skateboarding! http://pic.twitter.com/lGrbVQUeBarCampNola
RT @SiliconBayou: #barcampnola after party tonight, 6pm at St. Lawrence in the French Quarter. Join us! http://pic.twitter.com/nnIIQCEYheyitsmegan
The party has moved #barcampnola http://pic.twitter.com/7FtqM5IpToffleresque
Enjoyed #BarCampNOLA. Great people doing big things in #NolaToffleresque
Today’s project: building an online "time capsule" or real-time history of the growing NOLA tech community. #barcampnolaverarocks
Do it! RT @mollyoehmichen: Hey #nola, WAKE UP and get down to #barcampnola for day 2. It’s all hands on deck to build something awesome!xCorporate Realty
Bagels r included. @SiliconBayou: It’s day 2 of #barcampnola. Get down to One Canal Place now for all the #hacking your heart desires!Jeff Funk
Follow & share! RT @barcampnola: #BarCampNola Hack Day project officially named @nolavation ! http://pic.twitter.com/xz7aDjMjMolly Oehmichen
I wouldn’t bother bidding…this giant pixelated yoshi is coming home with me : ) #barcampnola http://instagr.am/p/NHTp8hGlOA/Glenn Penton
4:00pm status… The teams are under the gun to integrate their work of the day. http://pic.twitter.com/r5GNSQBnBarCampNola
The DEV team showing off their progress. http://pic.twitter.com/PxjOHjskBarCampNola
"This is a special kind of awkward." @tritico @barrettconrad #barcampnola http://pic.twitter.com/aHhMdKrYverarocks
how rumors get started. w @tritico & @barrettconrad http://instagr.am/p/NHrvL9pYHu/Andrew Larimer
And just like that, #barcampnola 5 is over. http://pic.twitter.com/ab6wee2BSilicon Bayou News
If you enjoyed @barcampnola this weekend, props go to @nickymast & @tritico. Best. Organizers. Ever. #thankyouMolly Oehmichen
We posted a few videos during #barcampnola this weekend. Check ’em out here: http://www.youtube.com/user/SiliconBayouNews/ #SiliconBayouSilicon Bayou News