Did you miss BarCampNOLA 5? Wish you could do it all over again this weekend? We feel your pain, but you don’t have to wait a whole year to get back into the BarCampNOLA excitement.
Silicon Bayou’s Editor, Molly Oehmichen, sat down with various participants during the event last weekend to chronicle her experience through video blogs. Check them out below and subscribe to Silicon Bayou News on YouTube to stay updated on future video posts.
Thanks to @heyitsmegan, Chris Boudy, Curry Smith, Adele Tiblier, and Barrett Conrad for joining Molly on camera.
#SiliconBayou Videos Posts for #BarCampNOLA 5
Editor In Chief Molly Oehmichen sat down with BarCampNOLA attendees throughout the day to hear about presentations, projects, and other fun happenings.
Storified by Molly Oehmichen · Tue, Jul 17 2012 07:41:11
BarCampNOLA 5 Update 1siliconbayounews
BarCampNOLA 5 Announces Day 2 Projectsiliconbayounews
#BarCampNOLA Day 1 Afternoon Update w/ @currysmithsiliconbayounews
#BarCampNOLA 5 Day 2 update with @adeletibliersiliconbayounews
#BarCampNOLA: @nolavation specs w/ @barrettconradsiliconbayounews