Video game startup Petrodactyl Studios has been hard at work on their first major project, Vendetta. Like all startups they need money, so they are holding a unique event to accomplish their fundraising goals. They thought about a bake sale, a car wash, and other typical fundraisers. They came to the conclusion that, “pledging hours of ‘torturetainment’, live-streamed, for money,” would be the best bet.
Up until now, the Petro team has not done any form of fundraising besides advertising a donate button on their website. Many companies would turn to Indiegogo or Kickstarter to raise the money, so we are excited to see where this live event will lead!
Kyle Whittington, Co-founder and developer at Petro, spoke to Silicon Bayou News about Vendetta and the ‘torturetainment’ fundraiser. They are looking to raise a few thousand dollars to complete the content for the game, upgrade development rigs, and to possibly hire artists and musicians to give the player a top-quality game.
Whittington and the seven other members of the Petro team have been doing 99% of the work on Vendetta so far. While many have other full-time commitments, at least four of them will participate in the live-stream: Charles Perniciaro, Maurice Robert, Dustin Peabody, and Whittington. They will be playing games and watching any movies that the audience selects. The viewing kicks off at 8:00 pm on March 22nd, 2013.
“I’m personally excited to see how people will respond to the game once we release it,” said Whittington. “I think it’s a really cool game and can’t wait to play it against other people online…Vendetta is a bit difficult to describe, only because there hasn’t been a game like it before that we know of… I think the simplest description of Vendetta is that it’s a crime-boss simulator. Up to four players start with tiny operations with just one or two agents. It’s up to you to manage your operatives well enough to survive and expand, netting points and money along the way.”
“Entertaining the masses is serious business, but when you do it with your friends it can be really fun and we hope to get that message across to help inspire others. The support of a good friend is enough motivation to finish anything you set out to complete.”
Learn more about the fundraiser by clicking here and tuning in on March 22nd!