State-of-the-Art Media Studio to Launch Out of Louisiana Technology Park

Level Up LabIn a press conference scheduled for tomorrow, April 25th at 11:00am, the Louisiana Technology Park will be launching its new project, a media studio called Level Up Lab. It’s a state-of-the-art studio, which is the first of its kind in the south. It aims to bring in and create new media, an ever-growing industry, in Louisiana.

“Level Up Lab will help developers to turn ideas into reality while simultaneously creating a commercial viable product,” states the studio’s website. “This is done by providing quality training in business, marketing and development as well as providing mentor’s throughout the company’s tenure with Level Up Labs.”

To top it off, the studio puts marketing dollars behind the companies they truly want to see succeed in the digital media industry in Louisiana.

Jesse Hoggard, a spokesman for the Tech Park said the studio will enable qualified companies a chance to create games, mobile apps, and other digital content inside the 1,800 square foot space.

Confirmed speakers for the press conference include:

  • Delta Regional Authority Chairman Christopher Masingill
  • Mayor-President Melvin “Kip” Holden
  • Baton Rouge Area Chamber CEO Adam Knapp
  • Tech Park Executive Director Stephen Loy

For more information or to apply for the program, visit


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