CajunCodeFest is a free two-day coding competition that focuses on transforming data into healthcare solutions. Participants competed for over 27 hours (April 24-26) for a grand prize of $25,000. The event was hosted by the Center for Business & Information Technologies (CBIT) at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, which supports the University’s economic development agenda.
More than 400 people came out to CajunCodeFest, up from around 275 attendees in its inaugural year. 42 cities, 12 states and two countries were represented throughout the coding marathon.
The event featured a number of speakers including Bryan Sivak, Chief Technology Officer, and Dr. Farzad Mostashari, National Coordinator for Health Information Technology of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, and Kathy Kliebert, Interim Secretary, Louisiana Department of Health & Hospitals.
CajunCodeFest winners include:
“Best in Show” Grand Prize Winner and US Ignite Best Software Defined Application: Team BreakFix
Best Student Team and Best Student Team Use of Microsoft HealthVault: Geaux KNEAS
The Opportunity Machine Best “Market Ready” Team and Best Chronic Disease Application using Microsoft HealthVault: The New Old Schoolers 2.0

(L-R) Bryan Sivak, CTO, US Dept. of Health & Human Services, Stacy Crochet, Bill Fentsermaker, Fenstermaker & Associates, Monica Suire, Amy Hanchey, Teri Leblanc, William Zhang, Michael Venable, Trent Poche, Clay Allen, Allen & Gooch.
Team BreakFix has received a qualifying entry to the National Health Data Palooza in Washintgon D.C. next month.
Awards were also given for the Best Student Team, The Opportunity Machine Best “Market Ready Team”, Best Use of Microsoft HealthVault Technology, and US Ignite Best Software Defined Networking Application.
A link to the full award ceremony video is available here.