In the few short months Lanyap Creative has been in business we’ve managed to grow a fairly positive reputation around town; we’ve heard us described as, “The Lanyap guys that do amazing things.” This kind of praise is met with a raised eyebrow (indicating our confusion), which prefaces a statement such as, “Tell us what we’ve done to make you so happy, because we want to do more of it!” The truth is, we haven’t done too much outside of sponsoring a few community events, and talking up a huge game about what we plan to do in the near future. In short, the praise is unwarranted, but it does motivate us.
In that vein of “motivation,” today I’m writing this post with the mission of publicly stating that in just a few weeks we are going to put all of our chips on #NOLAtech and “let it ride.” To put it simply, we’re committed to much more than would be considered reasonable and/or responsible contributions in terms of money and time. We’re ready, willing, and able to put everything we have on the line to see this community reach its full potential.
I know what you’re thinking… “Wow this guy sounds a lot like @NolaTrep!” But you should know that we are very serious about our mission to help, and anything we’ve done to date will be nothing compared to what’s coming next. Also, we love @NolaTrep! You should follow him and keep yourself grounded by reading his most recent tweets, and if you’re offended… well, then maybe you’re not cut out for Trep’n.
The fact is that the NOLAtech community is now, and will continue to be, an amazing group to be a part of regardless of whether or not Lanyap Creative can make good on our promises. But this doesn’t mean we can’t try and blow the doors off this puppy and add a little something extra to the mix that makes all of you want to come out in droves and support the community as a whole. Let’s really put all of it on the table: It’s no secret that back-end developers don’t always get along with front-end developers, and apparently developers on a whole don’t get along with enTREPreneurs that have a dollar and a dream. I don’t think we can fix this directly, but I think we can help. I think we can at least figure out a way to unite under the #NOLAtech hashtag and say,
“Hey, people of #NOLAtech, we may bring very different things to the table, but every so often we promise to come together if for no other reason then to support the people that are passionate about our community, and to be a good example to the young minds that will soon fill our shoes.”
If we can do that, we will have something. If we can do that, we will have a community that we can continue to build even if we aren’t seeing the VC dollars raining down from on high, or if TechCrunch or Forbes has nothing to write about us. In the end, we have each other and we can build stuff we care about — if you can do that, Lanyap Creative is all in. We’re betting on you and we expect other angencies and well-funded companies to follow suit. Stay tuned, you guys. Here we come. #NOLAtech ’til the day I die.
P.S. If you think I’m blowing smoke you can leave a comment here or holler at me on Twitter @joecorbett and I’ll be happy to dispute that with the full gusto of the Random Nerd that I am.