Three Baton Rouge-based companies have joined the Louisiana Business & Technology Center (LBTC) at LSU. The business incubator now houses 35 small businesses at tenants.
The three companies are E.A.S.Y. Ads Advertising & Directory LLC, EcoPro LLC and Factor3 Solutions.
E.A.S.Y. Ads Advertising & Directory is digital advertising marketing and design firm. The company was founded in 2011 and is owned by Mardia Scott, Jr.
EcoPro is a solar energy company that distributes energy efficient products such as solar panels, inverters and racking systems. The company’s owner is Beau Dingler.
Factor3 Solutions is an information management company that builds and uses a data focused business model for the company and its clients. They offer information collection, interpretation and integration services. Factor 3 Solutions is owned by Keith Braddock.
The LBTC strives to create a dynamic environment for tenants so they can focus on product or technology development in addition to sales and marketing initiatives.
Current tenant companies are creating over 140 full time jobs in Baton Rouge. The Center has graduated tenants with 2,278 jobs created since 1989, 78% of which are still in business.
For more information, visit the Center’s website.