As we all know, New Orleans is continuing to grow its technology and startup community at a record-setting pace. Many talented people have done so much good with the specific intention of helping to support and sustain this growth, so we can get the rest of the world to realize what we’ve always known to be true: New Orleans is a world-class city, where anything is possible.
With that said, a dedicated group of New Orleanians from all professions and parts of the city have been working together to plan the first ever “NOLATech Week,” which will celebrate and highlight all of the amazing ways that New Orleans can, will, and already does implement technology to better everyone’s personal and professional lives. NOLATech Week is for the entire city. It is intended to help every business and individual realize how exciting New Orleans’ involvement in the world’s tech community already is, and how much more it can become. Events will range from job fairs and keynote speakers, to happy hours and hackathons.
Quick overview of NOLATech Week 2013:
- The first-ever NOLATech Week will be October 7 – 12th, 2013
- 100+ organizations, venues, and volunteers have already pledged their support
- NOLATech Week isn’t 1 person, it’s a group of volunteers which you’re welcome to join
- Events will be planned and organized by anyone who wants to be involved
- There’s a Meetup on August 18 for those interested in planning NOLATech Week details
- Admission for NOLATech Week events will be collected in the form of online donations
- All money that NOLATech Week collects will be donated to local charities
- Event organizers are encouraged not to charge anything in addition to the Week’s admission fees
- Event organizers are allowed to charge more than the NOLATech donation to cover their costs
- A community-managed website will be set up, with updates on the events going on
- All sponsors will be recognized, but all sponsors will be equal in prominence
- NOLATech Week’s goal is to highlight our city’s resources, achievements, and opportunities
- Any business interested in donating space/services/products can fill out the form below
In an effort to make this event special, there is no title sponsor, and all monies collected by NOLATech Week will go to local charities focused on technology education. All registered NOLATech Week events will collect donations upon registration or at the door between $1 – $5, through Eventbrite. While the event organizers are encouraged not to charge any additional fees for the events they put on, event organizers are allowed to charge a nominal fee, in order to recoup any burdensome costs they may have incurred.
Through crowdsourcing, you will choose which charities receive the money raised by donations collected by the NOLATech Week. Perhaps the most exciting part of this event is that anyone and everyone can participate, and it’s as big or small as we make it. There will be everything from workshops on how to make your own WordPress website, to hackathons designed to foster innovation and collaboration. There will be lectures and there will be parties. Also, all of the events will be thought of, and created by, anyone who chooses to participate.
On the morning of Sunday, August 18, there will be a Meetup to discuss and help plan all of the events that you have already dreamt of. Details about that Meetup will be on Eventbrite, and those interested in planning an event should try their best to be there (the Eventbrite will be set up later in the week). There is an incredibly large list of volunteers, venues, and sponsors that will be ready and willing to help you pull off any event that you could wish for.
Sponsorshp Form: