Baton Rouge Business Incubator Accepts CyMetric Into Park

latechparkThe Louisiana Technology Park has announced the acceptance of CyMetric Business Solutions into the business incubator located in Baton Rouge.

CyMetric provides enterprise governance, risk and compliance (EGRC) solutions to small and medium-sized businesses. They have recently moved in and partnered with Teknarus, an anchor tenant at the Park which provides consulting and software development services.

Currently, CyMetric specifically targets the automotive industry. Two of CyMetric’s clients are considered to be some of the largest automotive groups in Louisiana.

CyMetric’s cornerstone product, CyberCAAT® (Cyber Compliance Assessment and Auditing Tool), a cloud-based EGRC solution, has helped grow its client base through its deployment. The solution is also wrapped around a Software as a Service (SaaS) business model.

President Bill Leach, Scott Mackenzie, business development, and Patrick Moore, general counsel, started the company in 2012. CyMetric plans to employ 20 additional people as the company expands through its work through the Tech Park.

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