Ed Tech Entrepreneur Seeks Developer for New Venture

George ConstanceIndependent business analyst and ed tech entrepreneur George Constance is seeking a programmer/web developer for his under construction venture, The Timeline Project at Kronicity. The project is an online encyclopedia of reliable authoritative and timely data that is free, easily searched, and utilizes a common era timeline to associate data and to add perspective.

The Timeline Project is geared towards educators, allowing them to create multimedia lesson plans in an engaging format. The initial target market will be 5th through 12th grade social studies students and educators.

Currently in the prototype development stage, Constance hopes to have the project completed this fall. Development is being done in Hartford and Chattanooga, while the official launch city has been set for New Orleans.

“The internet makes all data available. The Timeline Project at Kronicity puts it into perspective using a standard chronological scale,” said Constance. “The concept is applicable to historical data as well as relative time based datasets for topics from science and finance to alternative game and fiction timelines.”

Kronicity is seeking a database programmer and web developer to quote creation of the prototype and full development. They can consider all bids as equity partner or as a paid developer.

For more information, email george.j.constance@gmail.com.