Gaming-Centric Event Invites New Orleans to Play This October

DLC 13Kyle Whittington from Boxworld Games and Joe Corbett from Random Nerds are bringing game developers, designers and gamers together for the first event in the DLC Series (Downloadable Content), DLC13: Co-Op Play for Game Dev’rs and Gamers.

DLC13 will provide the space for attendees to get together, explore game creation and, of course, play the games too.

Organizers are hoping to give away a PS3, Wii U, Ouya and other prizes so register now.

See below for all you need to know about the event:

What’s going to happen at DLC13?

Friday, October 11:

4:00 – Attendee Check-In

4:30 – Industry Keynote (Speaker TBD)

5:00 – Game Demos

6:00 – Game Demos Q&A

7:00 – Networking & Food/Bev

8:00 – Vote for the Best Demos & Awards Presented

9:00 – Mini Gaming Tournament for Prizes

How can I demo my game at DLC13?

You can start by filling out this form: DLC13 Demo Form

We won’t be able to fit everyone into this year’s event, but we’ll do our best to showcase a variety of projects under development in NOLA. If you have any additinional questions about demoing please direct them to Kyle via email:

As a game developer and/or designer, what should I expect to get out of this event?

You can expect to meet some new game devs and designers, catch up with ones you already know, and hopefully learn something new about your industry.

As a gamer, what should I expect to get out of this event?

You can expect to learn a lot about what goes into making games while having an opportunity to meet the people that actually make them. You can also expect a chance to give feedback to developers that are brave enough to ask for it.

What’s this gaming tournament all about?

We’re going to have some great giveaways for you at DLC13, so to make the process a bit more engaging we thought we’d have you compete for them. No, this is not an e-sports League of Legends throwdown. It will be much more relaxed and friendly. More on this as we get closer to the date. The giveaways to date include (PS3 GTAV Bundle, Wii U, Ouya, more to come)

Can I sponsor DLC13?

Yes! Just send an email to and we’ll work out the details.Is there any other reason I should come?

Is there any other reason I should come?

Of course! But the main reason is that we expect there to be a DLC14, DLC15, etc. and this is your chance to attend our inaugural event to help us make sure we keep evolving the DLC series into something that you love attending year after year. We hope to see you there! Register for DLC13 Now!