Local digital design firm Vivid Ink and screen printing company Artvertising have merged.
Both companies will be relocating into the 30,000-square-foot production facility just from the Superdome on Poydras Street that will house 24 employees.
“The rationale behind the merger is that Vivid Ink has been primarily a digital graphics facility, but what Artvertising does, screen printing, is an older but less expensive way of doing high volume projects that a lot of our customers have been asking for,” said Vivid Ink GM Brett Knoess.
The merger adds 81 years of experience to the newer design abilities of Vivid Ink, which was founded in 1999.
Vivid Ink will now be able to provide customers with screen printing services when needed. “Screen printing is a perfect fit for our wide format sign and graphic product offerings. Why? Our customers request it; they need screen printing,” says Stephen St Cyr, President of Vivid Ink.
“When Vivid Ink Graphics’ customers need to advertise, communicate, present, connect or persuade, it is reassuring to know that we now have all of the resources necessary – whether it’s one sign or 10,000,” says Brett Knoess, general manager of Vivid Ink Graphics New Orleans.
Financial details on the merger were not disclosed.
For more information, visit artvertisinginc.net and vividink.com.