Local healthcare technology company Rebar Interactive recently won $100,000 during the mobile app developer challenge at the annual Health 2.0 Global conference in San Francisco. The app, named Traxion, was designed by local Health 2.0 Co-Founder and Owner at Rebar, Rahlyn Gossen, based on established ADHD management techniques, which have been re-imagined for the modern and mobile.
Gossen was chosen as a Phase I finalist back in April along with four other companies as part of the Shire ADHD Developer Challenge.
The New Orleans Health 2.0 chapter is part of a global network across over 60 cities. Their NOLATech Week event is tonight at the Rusty Nail. Founders and representatives from the local chapter will be there to discuss content and new startups showcased from the 7th Annual Health 2.0 Fall Conference. Register here.
“Healthcare has unique technological, regulatory, and economic considerations. A specialized group can foster new opportunities, here in New Orleans, by tapping into the Global Health 2.0 resources for new ways of thinking,” said Gossen.
More info can be found at www.health2nola.com.
Traxion – ADHD Running your life? from Rebar Interactive on Vimeo.