Real time public transit information that is accessible from anywhere is now available in New Orleans so you never have to wait at an RTA stop again. The easy-to-use mobile platform TransitHub is now available in the app store.
Founder George Van Wormer said, “Since public transit is underutilized in New Orleans, it was important to us to create a free, quality mobile app that would drastically improve riders’ experience and make streetcar and bus travel more convenient. TransitHub® is one of the only public transit apps in New Orleans that is free to download on iOS and Android.”
The app is also the only New Orleans transit tracker that eliminates the need to check the app every few minutes for updates because users can set a reminder and receive push notifications when the vehicle is approaching.
Mark Strella, Stay Local Project Coordinator, believes TransitHub is a game changer for New Orleans because city transit is now predictable and more convenient. Angele Young, marketing and communications manager for the RTA, agrees. She said, “you don’t have to think about carrying the schedule around with you or looking up anything. It’s just right at your fingertips.”
TransitHub was developed by Beau Button and his team at WebDevrs. Local graphic designer Ross Loftin was also part of the design team.
The app is free to download for iOS and Android devices. For more information, visit