Back in November, community members and fans of technology and convenience banded together to create a petition to bring the on demand car request service Uber to New Orleans.
The company has also received backlash, specifically from Malachai Hull, Director for the City of New Orleans’ Department of Safety and Permits Taxicab and For Hire Vehicle Bureau, and others who have threatened Uber with arrests and fines if they enter into the New Orleans market.
Supporters of the petition have expressed that the city of New Orleans needs to show that its open to allowing innovative businesses into our market. “Let’s tell the city that it’s not ok to prevent good businesses from opening up shop in New Orleans,” wrote Joe Corbett, creator of the petition.
“It’s important that our city does not get in the way of allowing a quality business like Uber to come to New Orleans. Preventing Uber from doing business in New Orleans sends a bad message to the rest of the country about how we do business here. Do the right thing and let Uber come to New Orleans,” continued Corbett.
On January 25th, with over 1,200 supporters, Corbett sent the petition straight to Mayor Mitch Landrieu at City Hall. Corbett signed the letter from the “concerned but hopefully” citizens of New Orleans.