February 7th to 9th, #hack4good will bring 5,000 developers across 50 international cities (San Francisco, San Diego, New York, Moscow, London, Berlin, Paris, Kathmandu, Tel Aviv, Krakow and more) together to present problems, form teams and solve the problems using each of our individual strengths in technology.
New Orleans is preparing to welcome the first ever south Louisiana crew to #hack4good, which will take place at the Fogo Data Center. More information and registration is available through this link.
#hack4good is organized by Geeklist, a vibrant platform for geeks to discover, connect and share the great work they have done and who they did it with. The New Orleans event is organized by Grok & Banter founder Staacy Cannon.
The global event is comprised of software engineers and hackers, ui/ux designers, product developers and founders, leaders, thinkers and civic minded organizations all participating to help make the world a better place by developing applications for humanity.
The 48 hour event format includes a live introduction world-wide through live-stream and API Partners services to all participants. Local projects will be presented at the end of the weekend and receive both recognition and prizes.
Check-out some of the hacks that came out of previous editions here.