Get Excited: BSides NOLA is Back in Town Next Month!

We’re getting excited about the rapidly approaching 2nd Annual BSidesNOLA conference, and we wanted to make sure that you heard about it.

BSidesNOLABSidesNOLA is a local one day conference focused on computer security and digital forensics. It is structured so that the morning will start with a keynote and the day will then split into three tracks. Each of the talks in the tracks will be 60 minutes and cover topics such as malware analysis, network breach detection and response, security assessments of web applications, and higher level topics such as running incident response and offensive security teams.

This year we have speakers lined up from some of the biggest security and forensics companies including HP, SANS, FireEye/Mandiant, Qualys, and more. UNO Computer Science Professor Dr. Golden Richard will also be speaking about his recent research into reverse engineering Go applications.

This year’s conference will take place on Saturday, May 17th from 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM at the Hilton Garden Inn near the convention center on South Peters. We expect a few hundred attendees and seating is limited.  Entry is nearly free – just $10, but you must register to fully attend.

The conference will be a great local learning and networking opportunity. Every company with a IT security and forensics presence will have representatives at the conference and the relaxed atmosphere is perfect for meeting people, hunting for jobs, bouncing ideas of peers, and trading stories from the field. If you or your company are interested in getting your name out to this community, please contact the organizers for more information.

If you have any questions feel free to email us ( or contact any of the organizers on Twitter: Andrew Case (@attrc), Joe Sylve (@jtsylve) or yours truly (@vicomarziale).

For complete information on the conference, including the speaking line up, sponsors, and logistics, check out