Local Dad Launching Toy Business on Kickstarter

A local dad has launched a toy company to instill some of dat real Nawlins cultcha in kids.

New Orleanians are big on their cultural heritage. We attempt to preserve and defend it any chance we get. A significant aspect of the preservation part is ensuring our kids are well-versed in all things New Orleans.

I recently came across a Kickstarter created by a local father, Scott Touchton, who found the books he was using when teaching his kids how to read utterly lacking, specifically on the food side. Scott decided he wanted to inject some local in the mix so he created a puzzle featuring some New Orleans food staples:

The puzzle is simple and straightforward featuring oysters, beignets, king cake, a poboy, and gumbo. Kids learn basic shapes and their favorite foods at the same time. You can get the actual puzzle for $15 with an estimated delivery time of around 90 days. The Kickstarter is currently just under $7,000 with a goal of $15,000 with 9 days left.

These puzzles make for great gifts for birthdays, baby showers, Christmas, or friends who haven’t yet mastered basic shapes. I can definitely see local retailers purchasing plenty of these to sell to the masses.

Many are familiar with the power of Kickstarter but it’s especially refreshing to see locals realize their dreams on the web’s favorite crowdsourcing platform. If you’re looking for a good baby gift consider backing this one.