From the creators of “The Scarecrow,” game and animated short film in partnership with Chipotle Mexican Grill, and other animated films, games and apps such as Lollipop 3: Eggs of Doom, comes a brand new book. Moonbot Studios has just released The Numberlys, an adventure-filled picture book by William Joyce and Christina Ellis.
The book features all new artwork that vividly illustrates the creation of the alphabet from A to Z. Moonbot Studios explains: “Numberlys presents a fanciful depiction of the origins of the alphabet and is the newest interactive epic…Numberlys is a story App celebration of the early fantasy epics King Kong, Metropolis and Flash Gordon with a dollop of the Marx Brothers, a splash of the Fleischer Studios technicolor Superman and a little bit of the 1939 New York World’s Fair.”
Considered a new way to entertain, learn and rediscover their storytelling “golden age,” The Numberlys book is readable with the augmented reality IMAG•N•O•TRON™, app. The app is available on iOS, Android and Kindle devices, all of which are enabled to discover letters, numbers and fun toys in the pages of the book.
The IMAG•N•O•TRON™ app is available for download here.
IMAG·N·O·TRON: Numberlys Edition – iPhone, iPad and iPod touch from Moonbot Studios on Vimeo.