June Net2NO Recap: Mini BarCampNola and Couchster

Net2noNet2NO, the fourth largest Net2Local meetup group in the world, has grown from 30 members to now over 1,100 people since 2008. The New Orleans meetup Net2NO has hosted events to connect local entrepreneurs, innovators and tech people.

The June meetup was actually the sixth annual Mini BarCamp, a prelude to the BarCampNola unconference next month. The goal was to squeeze the two day event into one hour during Net2NO.

The “MiniBar” lineup will include a glimpse of presentations that will be offered during the main event July 12 – 13, 2013, including topics about or related to technology, social media and creative.

Beer for the June meetup was supplied by food delivery platform Couchster. Couchster just launched its delivery service downtown on May 26th. They’re delivering lunch service from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM, and dinner from 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM. Current restaurant lineup includes:  Domenica, Walk-Ons, Buffa’s, Sukho Thai, Welty’s Deli, Barcadia, Dreamy Weenies, Oceana Grill, and El Gato Negro  – and they are talking suggestions for new places.

The next meetup will take place on July 1st, 2014 at The Irish House. The topic has yet to be finalized but you can preregister at meetup.com/net2no. Organizers would love to hear your ideas for speakers or topics in the comment section on the registration page.

Updates from the June Net2NO are below:

Upcoming Events

Open Data: The Battle for the Future of Life Sciences with John Wilbanks
Health 2.0 New Orleans
Thursday, June 26, 2014 from 5:30 PM to 8:00 PM (CDT)

NolaCon, an Information Security/Hacker conference for professionals and enthusiasts alike located in New Orleans. June 19th-22nd at the Sheraton New Orleans Hotel

Promo Code for 50% off: Net2NO


The City of New Orleans Chief Information Officer (CIO) serves as an executive advisor to the Mayor and the Mayor’s leadership team. This full-time position reports to the Chief Administrative Officer and serves as the director of the Office of Information Technology & Innovation, the City’s service-oriented IT department. find out more at nola.gov/CIO send and resume to beCIO@nola.gov.