FSC Interactive is the New Orleans-based marketing agency known for building online strategies for businesses big and small. Following a national review, the company was named the agency for both New Orleans Tourism Marketing Corporation (NOTMC) and New Orleans Convention and Visitors Bureau (NOCVB).
The organizations held a joint, nationwide request for proposals that led to submissions from across the nation. As part of the final FSC strategy, which includes combining social media efforts with a more holistic marketing approach, the agency will focus on short and long term goals just as increasing annual visitation to New Orleans and continuing the award-winning work of the Follow Your NOLA campaign.
As the city nears its tricentennial in 2018, FSC has also set a goal for its new clients to generate a total visitor spend that exceeds $7 billion annually.
New Orleans visitors– and targets of the new campaign– include leisure travelers, meeting planners, and business travelers. Mark Romig, President and CEO or New Orleans Tourism Marketing Corporation (NOTMC). “We believe their efforts will enhance and expand our reach to visitors both on the ground and when anticipating a visit.”
FSC Interactive will work with both NOTMC and NOCVB to enhance marketing efforts, which will include multi-channel marketing in social media such as television and display advertising, sponsored content and media partnerships, email marketing, public relations, and social media.
“Social media is such an integral part of our comprehensive marketing plan as a destination to drive awareness, engagement, visitor numbers and spending,” said Stephen Perry, President and CEO New Orleans Convention and Visitors Bureau. “FSC Interactive has been a great strategic partner and we look forward to continuing to work with them and NOTMC in speaking with one voice to reach each of our important audiences.”