Entrepreneur Megan Hargroder is known in New Orleans as a social media connoisseur. She is now trying her hand at a new venture, Apothecary Box, which brings all natural health and beauty products to the door of customers each month.

The Deluxe Box is now available through Kickstarter.
The startup just went live on Kickstarter and has raised $1,155 from 22 backers with 29 remaining days to fundraise.
Hargroder knows there are risks to fundraising on Kickstarter. The platform’s limitation is that if funding is unsuccessful, the project doesn’t happen. “I put this in my “pros” category because this project is also a test case for the actual company. If there’s not enough interest in a holistic subscription service like this to raise $10k in 30 days, then that’s pretty indicative that we’re doing one or more things wrong.”
A primary use of the funds will go toward product purchase because they want to make sure that the makers of the products are compensated fairly. Other funds will go to packaging and shipping, which leaves an estimated 20-30% profit that will go into the development and marketing budget for an actual launch.
The subscription box also provides information to subscribers. “There’s an education component on how, for example, having a small bottle of peppermint essential oil in your bag can be amazingly useful in relieving nausea, headache, or motion sickness!” explains Hargroder.
Hargroder says they are targeting people consciously switching from chemical-based to natural products who want to know exactly what they’re putting on/in their bodies and who is making those products. She initially thought most customers would be local to New Orleans, but does think that will change over time. Apothecary box has seen interest in New York, Portland and some parts of Canada.
At this time, Hargroder is only aware of one other company that does holistic care products with an education component, so competition is slim.
While Apothecary Box only registered for an LLC five months ago, a holistic subscription service has always been a dream for Hargroder.
Find out more on Kickstarter.