IDIYA is a new makerspace, workshop and design studio in New Orleans that provides members with the education, tools, and creative community to foster innovation. The membership-based business falls right in line with the maker movement, which is described as representing a technology-based extension of the do-it-yourself (DIY) culture.
Artists, entrepreneurs, creatives, craftsmen, makers, hobbyists and DIYers are encouraged to attend the grand opening party on March 26th from 5:00 to 9:00 PM at 2705 S. Broad Street.
The IDIYA team wants to help the community turn ideas into reality. The makerspace is climate controlled and houses a variety of machinery and tools for members to use. Equipment includes CNC milling, lathes, drill presses, band saws, hand tools, plastic and woodworking, electronics testing, 3D printers, scanners, CNC laser cutters, Vinyl Plotters, computers, design software and more.
Their vision is to make manufacturing available for everyone. Domenic Giunta, CEO of IDIYA, said, “Never before in human history has the means of production and the tools to innovation been so readily available to those who want to create. We at IDIYA believe the maker movement is more than just a playground for engineers and programmers, but a Revolution that includes artist, craftsmen, builders, entrepreneurs, and anyone who dreams of turning their IDIYAs into reality.”
At the kickoff event, following a ribbon cutting ceremony, attendees will see demonstrations of the equipment, hear from IDIYA instructors about upcoming classes, and learn more about the maker movement and how to get involved.