Jefferson Parish Economic Development Commission (JEDCO) collaborated with First NBC Bank for the second consecutive year to host the annual JEDCO Challenge, a pitch competition showcasing the brightest entrepreneurs living and working in Jefferson Parish with unique ideas that have the high potential to grow and positively impact the area.
JEDCO has also partnered with Jefferson Parish to make the third annual event a success. Out of over 30 applications, five companies have made it to the final pitch, which took place yesterday (March 23) during New Orleans Entrepreneur Week (NOEW).
InnoGenomics Technologies won the challenge, taking home the $20,000 prize. The company is developing innovative new products and solutions for human DNA identification testing, including novel systems designed for testing challenging and compromised forensic samples. The startups hopes its genetic testing solutions will solve crimes and save lives.
AxoSim Technologies, Cook Me Somethin’ Mister, myMix Nutrition, and Sock Spot also participated in the 2015 JEDCO Challenge.
“Jefferson Parish is fortunate to have such a dynamic entrepreneurial community and this competition helps to recognize those companies,” says Jerry Bologna, JEDCO’s Executive Director. “This year’s finalists represent a wide range of industries and talent which showcase the diversity and quality of our startup community.”
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