“We teach kids to code,” explains Operation Spark founder John Fraboni. Using the same management system that Harvard uses, Operation Spark, is a fast way for youth in New Orleans to learn how to code and be prepared for jobs as software engineers in the future.
The organization, which has taught dozens of youth to code and now wants to help them get jobs, has just launched a crowdfunding campaign with Indiegogo.
$25,000 will get 10 low-income young adults through the Prototype Program, which will get them a job in the software industry following the six-month apprenticeship program. The organization will provide practical application of software skills with professional guidance and mentorship program that will help the participants succeed.
The non-profit has raised $575 in the past few hours since launching the campaign. Over the next 45 days, Operation Spark is hoping to raise their $25,000 goal.
Operation Spark also hopes to be in every single school in New Orleans, promoting a computer science curriculum while also facilitating coding boot camps for students on the side. In a city that is starving for software engineers, the startup wants to help every school in New Orleans address the issue of lack of training.
Operation Spark participated in the annual Education Pitch at New Orleans Entrepreneur Week (#NOEW2015) last night. The startup raised $10,000 from the judges and an additional $2,500 from the Audience Favorite vote.
Find out more about Operation Spark on Indiegogo.com.
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