AR|PR is an Atlanta-based public relations company that targets the tech startup community that is building out its New Orleans hub. The firm expanded to New Orleans almost two years ago after noting the city as an emerging tech hub.

Two members of the AR|PR team took a selfie during an event at New Orleans Entrepreneur Week. Left to right: Madeline Elliot and Blair Broussard.
Earlier today, AR|PR revealed its brand new website during New Orleans Entrepreneur Week (NOEW).
“I’m ecstatic to announce the launch of AR|PR’s new website,” says founder Anna Ruth Williams. “Our first two and half years of business have been a whirlwind of growth and success, and we wanted to build a new site that captured our unique culture, focus on the tech sector and integrated approach to making news.”
The site includes first-time features, including an interactive diagram outlining the company’s 360 degree approach, case studies on client successes and a corporate video.
Towards the end of 2014, the firm announced it had grown its client base by 700 percent. The company’s technology clients represent multiple industry sectors, including mobile, SaaS, health IT and cyber security.
AR|PR encourages fans, followers, clients and anyone else to share the news on social media with their signature hashtag #makenews.
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