New Orleans Women in Technology (WIT) hosts various workshops throughout the year for women and men to learn technical skills such as programming and website building.
The next workshop, scheduled for June 6, 2015, will be an introduction to programming with JavaScript, the programming language of HTML and the Web.
John Fraboni, founder of the nonprofit that teaches kids to code, Operation Spark, will be the instructor.
WIT details, “JavaScript is one of the cornerstones of interactive web development and a key addition to any technical resume. In this free, interactive workshop, we’ll walk participants through the basics of programming in JavaScript.”
After the six hour workshop, participants will have built their own version of a photo gallery using JavaScript, and be able to understand programming concepts like variables, for and while loops, arrays, and objects.
WIT was started in 2013 with a goal to get more local women into higher paying jobs.
Prior experience with HTML and CSS is preferred. Click here to register.