New Orleans Disaster Preparedness ‘DOTank’ Slated for August 22

The Resilience Corps and The Field Innovation Team are partnering with The City of New Orleans and local idea acceleration company LookFar to host the first ever NOLA DOtank, a daylong event taking place this Saturday, August 22nd.

DOTankDOtanks are designed to get communities actively engaged in solving the civic, environmental, and political issues we face today. With the 10th anniversary of Katrina coming up, the event will source the creativity from the minds of local citizens to reflex on how we can improve city and statewide preparedness.

The DOtank is an opportunity for innovative New Orleanians to dream up and prototype solutions to problems associated with hurricane evacuation. Participants will collect facts and then brainstorm solutions with input from industry experts. In the afternoon, participants will models and mock-ups of extraordinary solutions.

Organizers of the event have recently announced that it will be open to all, not just teens as originally stated.

To register, visit