The Rocky Road to a Successful Startup is an event slated for November 13 in Baton Rouge that will bring together four founders for a Q&A panel that will kick off at 10:00am.
The event is hosted by Innovation Catalyst, a Baton Rouge based nonprofit venture development organization, and its Catalyst Fund, which provides seed and early stage capital for Louisiana startups.
“Today there are unprecedented opportunities for high-tech startups in Baton Rouge. What is your big idea and how can you make it work?” asks the organizers. The event will be an opportunity to learn what it takes to launch a thriving business from some of the region’s most successful entrepreneurs and innovators who will share their personal inspirations, insights, and experiences.
Panelists include: Rob Guba, Founder, CellControl; Craig Gehring, Founder, MasteryPrep; Kevin Holden, CEO, Hola Nola Foods; and Arthur Mintz, Founder, Swaybox Studios.
At noon, the panel will shift into a lunch catered by Dinner Lab, a fast growing New Orleans-based startup that is now in over 30 cities across the country. The company pairs up-and-coming chefs with unique venues to provide a new experience for diners and members. The luncheon will be an opportunity for entrepreneurs at all stages to engage with the panelists and to meet other entrepreneurs.
It is a free event, but attendees an RSVP is required in advance for both the panel and luncheon.