The 8th annual New Orleans Entrepreneur Week (NOEW) is kicking off its fifth day with the sexy funding panel, the Civic Innovation Summit, and much more. The annual festival celebrates business, innovation, and advanced thinking in New Orleans.
The lineup today includes:
Local + Social: Like Peanut Butter and Chocolate
9:00 AM – 9:30 AM THE CHICORY, 620 FULTON ST.
Whether you have a local company selling goods and services out of a brick and mortar store or you go directly to customers in a local service area, this session will offer practical advice and best practices on how to make local digital marketing part of your digital strategies.
Expecting Security from the Start(up)
9:00 AM – 9:30 AM THE CHICORY, 620 FULTON ST.
This presentation will guide startups through the requirements that their applications and services will need to meet in order to satisfy the demands of IT security teams and legal departments within medium-to-large organizations.
Startup Up in New Orleans
9:00 AM – 9:30 AM THE CHICORY, 620 FULTON ST.
If you’ve always had an idea for a company but don’t know where to start, or if you started a company 20 years ago and need to figure out how to adapt to industry changes – this session is for you.
Startup Alley Presented by Hollywood Trucks
9:00 AM – 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM FULTON STREET
As part of the Startup Experience of NOEW 2016, the Startup Alley presented by Hollywood Trucks will provide demo opportunities to the featured entrepreneurs of NOEW.
No Money, No Problems: 15 Free Tools Your Startup Should be Using
10:00 AM – 10:30 AM THE CHICORY, 620 FULTON ST.
Flynn Zaiger will introduce attendees to 15 of the best free tools available to entrepreneurs today.
Size Doesn’t Matter: Maintaining Innovation Through Intrapreneurship
10:00 AM – 10:30 AM THE CHICORY, 620 FULTON ST.
This session will focus on the role of innovation in all organizations, regardless of size.
Ready for Takeoff: Insurance 101 for Entrepreneurs
10:00 AM – 10:30 AM THE CHICORY, 620 FULTON ST.
In a world where every dollar counts, make sure your insurance dollars, and your insurance agent, are working to protect you.
Building Local Community with Nextdoor (Keynote: Prakash Janakiraman, Co-Founder & Chief Architect, Nextdoor)
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM THE CHICORY, 620 FULTON ST.
Learn how Nextdoor expanded into more than 50% of all U.S. neighborhoods by continually iterating based on deep user feedback. Prakash will explain why there is no substitute for sitting down with early adopters and listening to what they want and need. He will also share how forming strategic partnerships with public agencies gave Nextdoor the validation it needed to become a trusted source for communities.
Inserting High-Growth Technology into Quintessential New Orleans: Festivals, Music & Cuisine
The panel will feature companies that are bringing technology into the 3 industries in which the city of New Orleans and its culture stand apart: food & beverage, music and events/festivals.
Scaling Entrepreneurship: Why Maintaining the Entrepreneurial Spirit is Critical to Your Success
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM THE CHICORY, 620 FULTON ST.
In this session, Nick Jordan will share his experience building a team of 70+ employees and why he firmly believes that scaling a culture of entrepreneurship has been critical to Smashing Boxes’ success.
Why Entrepreneurs Should Learn to Code: MVPs, Better Products, Product Management
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM THE CHICORY, 620 FULTON ST.
From knowing the ins and outs of your MVP, effectively managing your products and just all around building better products, tech knowledge can help you be a more time and cost efficient entrepreneur.
Numbers in the Business Model
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM THE CHICORY, 620 FULTON ST.
Sam Peak will be covering the strategy and logic behind creating quantitative business models by introducing the =if process, a step-by-step business model canvas that outline 15 steps behind financial projections.
Civic Innovation Summit
1:00 PM – 4:00 PM MANNING’S, 519 FULTON ST.
For the first time-ever, NOEW will host an interactive Civic Innovation Summit alongside the City of New Orleans, Propeller, Civic Consulting USA, the National Resource Network, and GNO Inc. Leaders from across public, private and nonprofit sectors will come together to accelerate the momentum of civic innovation in advance of the City’s 300th anniversary in 2018.
The Sexy Funding Panel
2:30 PM – 3:30 PM THE CHICORY, 620 FULTON ST.
Panelists will each discuss personal stories and different funding alternatives, as well as how to pay them back, pros and cons, etc so that other entrepreneurs can get a sense of what type of funding would work for them.
E is for Empathy: What Every Entrepreneur Needs to Know About Business Anthropology
2:30 PM – 3:30 PM THE CHICORY, 620 FULTON ST.
Entrepreneurs will hear how Fortune 500 brands, B Corps, and tech startups alike are tapping into the social sciences for business strategy.
The Two-Day Marketing Plan
2:30 PM – 3:30 PM THE CHICORY, 620 FULTON ST.
This session equips entrepreneurs with a starter marketing plan outline and instructs on how, over a weekend, they can develop a functioning marketing plan.
The Digital Content Business (Keynote Speaker: Rich Caccappolo, COO, Mail Online –
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM THE CHICORY, 620 FULTON ST.
The digital content business: how to build a successful content company, the entrepreneurial talents required, the MailOnline / DailyMail story, other digital content company models and success stories, and how the industry, ecosystem, and the path to success are changing.
Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Business Resource Alley Happy Hour
Attendees can expect to meet private, public, and nonprofit business resource partners who can provide introductions, services, and technical assistance to start and grow a business.
LookFar’s Open Mic Night for Entrepreneurs: Celebrate, Commiserate & Connect
We love pitches, but as there will be plenty of pitches at NOEW, we’d like to focus a little more on the people behind them. Join us for Open Mic Night for Entrepreneurs, presented by The Distillery in partnership with LookFar, a New Orleans-based software development studio.
This coverage is brought to you by Callais Capital Management and Susco.