If you’ve ever succesfully pitched your company, you know how important a story is. People that invest in you or buy your product want to feel an emotional connection, and that’s why effective communications are so important for start-ups.
Naturally, communications professionals make effective technology entrepreneurs. Such is the case with Sevetri Wilson, CEO of Solid Ground Innovations (CGI), a full-service strategic communications and management firm. After growing and evolving CGI, Sevetri has taken the plunge into technology entrepreneurship by launching ExemptMeNow, a technology solution that helps create and maintain tax-exempt organizations.
We recently interviewed Sevetri to see how she used her communications background to become a successful entrepreneur in the tax-exempt entities market, which includes non-profits. Here’s our conversation:
Tech Park Question: Do you consider yourself a social entrepreneur?
Sevetri: I consider myself to be more a serial entrepreneur. However, at one time I absolutely considered myself more of a social entrepreneur. Sometimes you don’t want to box yourself into a certain space. I do think that social entrepreneurship is very important. I also think that social enterprises will grow over the course of time as well.
Tech Park Question: Do you think people should only be socially innovative if they are willing to forego profits?
Sevetri: I don’t think anyone that is starting a business should forego profits. Two of my former mentors completely differ on this subject. One stated that she started a business to make money–period. The other stated that you start a business to help people and it doesn’t have to be about money. I believe that the lines are blurred in social enterprises.