If you’ve ever found yourself spending way too much time locating your favorite food truck, the OnTheCorner app is for you.
The Birmingham-based app notifies users of nearby trucks during lunch and dinner in addition to when their favorite trucks are out serving up food. First launched in the summer of 2016, OnTheCorner is actively seeking new cities to set up shop, and they have set their sights on New Orleans.
“We couldn’t be more excited about getting into New Orleans,” said Dave Folk, co-founder of OnTheCorner. “The city is America’s quintessential food town; so it made perfect sense for us to bring our app to New Orleans first.”
The app is now available for Big Easy users beginning this week, which is also the annual New Orleans Entrepreneur Week, a celebration of entrepreneurship and innovation.
“We’ve been planning our expansion since we launched in Birmingham last summer,” said Folk. “The feedback we got allowed us to spend the past few months rebuilding the app’s api to facilitate it scaling up to larger cities. We chose New Orleans as the first city because its rich history with pushing the edge of American cuisine. It’s just the perfect city to start our expansion in.”