Launched by ThreeSixtyEight, Assembly Required is a brand new Baton Rouge conference series that exists to gather people together who want to creatively improve our communities. The first event held earlier this month was all about the power of women in leadership roles.
Highlights of the Women in Leadership event welcomed speakers such as East Baton Rouge Mayor-President Sharon Weston-Broome and Alex Juan, communications director at LDVA. Organizers shared that both of these women became firsts in their industries and overcame huge barriers to find success and better their communities.
Additional speakers included leadership speaker and coach Dima Ghawi, SheWorx co-founder Lisa Wang, and others from organizations like Forbes and Facebook.
All Assembly Required events provide pragmatic takeaways following a fireside chat with speakers, a Q&A session, and dinner prepared by a local chef. There will be on event per quarter with the next event, Innovators in Food, taking place on August 4 at the Louisiana Culinary Institute.
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