Save Net Neutrality at LookFar’s Battle for the Net Event Tonight

New Orleans-based software development firm LookFar has organized an event to save net neutrality as part of a national day of action. Save Net Neutrality: Day of Action in New Orleans will take place tonight (July 12) from 6-8pm at the LookFar headquarters.

Read the message directly from LookFar below:

Dear NOLATech:

We’d like you to join us in the local effort to save net neutrality.

We believe strongly in the value of a free and open internet, and we’re working with Fight for the Future, a pro-net neutrality group, to protect it.

On July 12th, a national day of action to protest planned FCC changes to regulation, we’ll be holding a local phonebanking, letter-writing campaign at the LookFar offices. Please join us, and help play a part in this drive to keep the playing field level for entrepreneurs and inventors in New Orleans, and across the US. It’s an uphill battle, but one we still intend to fight.

Coffee, pizza, and beer are all on us. We’ll see you on July 12!

If you’re not familiar with the topic, here’s a pretty good article that offers some context.

…and an article that we wrote underlining the reasons that we believe it’s particularly important – existentially so – to Southern tech ecosystems: