There are two front-end development workshops coming up in New Orleans that will help you learn how to build simple, declarative user interfaces using components.
Intro to React and Intro to Redux for React Applications will be held at The Warehouse co-working space throughout November. All workshops will be led by Sia Karamalegos, founder and lead developer Clio + Calliope, a mobile and web design and development firm based in New Orleans.
If you’re interested in all four sessions, register here to get $100 off your ticket price. Use code “SILICONBAYOU” for 10 percent off any ticket price.
Karamalegos used to teach for Tech Talent South and really enjoyed helping people learn new skills and job pathways. “After that,” she told Silicon Bayou, “I focused on web and mobile application development, both building apps and learning new technologies.”
She got involved with the tech community in New Orleans through speaking engagements at various meetups, which then led her to speaking around the world. Some of the conferences had workshops involved, so Karamalegos decided she wanted to continue teaching occasionally and share what she knows with the local community.
“I love teaching and these skills could help others become better at their jobs or more competitive in the job market. This sounds like a win-win situation.”
Karamalegos is heading to NodeFest Japan to talk about GraphQL and React Finland to talk about Universal React Applications. She is also hoping there will be an intermediate React-related workshop at JazzCon.Tech, happening in March in New Orleans.