SchoolInfoApp creates branded mobile apps for schools, school districts and other types of organizations. The company currently works with over 2,000 organizations around the world, primarily focusing on K-12 app development and management.
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the startup has added new features to help schools reopen safety. The company’s new COVID-19 Symptom and Exposure Tracker is designed to pre-screen students, staff, and visitors before arriving on campus each day by asking users to confirm if they are experiencing any symptoms or have potentially been exposed to the virus.
With the COVID-19 Symptom and Exposure Tracker by SchoolInfoApp, schools can:
- Require students, staff and other campus visitors to self-report if they are experiencing known symptoms or exposure daily, weekly or prior to any campus visit
- Instruct anyone identified with symptoms or possible exposure to STOP and not come to campus
- Monitor anyone on campus via instant digital identification that they have self reported to be clear of any symptoms and no known exposure
- Safely and securely store all responses for administrative review, oversight, attendance-record comparison and follow up
“We are pleased to be able to play a role in assisting schools with the monumental task of reopening safely,” shared SchoolInfoApp President Julie Riggs. “We’ve heard from countless school administrators of the imperative need for an efficient process for early-identification and monitoring of students and staff experiencing symptoms or possible exposure.”
School reopening plans are constantly changing, especially in New Orleans and throughout Louisiana. As for Orleans Parish, the public schools are in the re-entry planning phase and will continue will distance-learning for the time being.