Week in Review: June 13, 2016

8 years ago

The Silicon Bayou has been buzzing with tech and entrepreneurial news. Here are the most popular stories published on Silicon Bayou News in the past seven days: Net2NO Plans 8th Annual ...


Net2NO Plans 8th Annual Mini BarCamp Meetup

8 years ago

BarCampNola is an annual “unconference” that brings passionate people together to share what they love with the community through presentations and events. Local meetup NetSquared New Orleans (Net2NO) is ...

Week in Review: July 21, 2014

10 years ago

The Silicon Bayou has been buzzing with tech and entrepreneurial news. Here are the most popular stories published on Silicon Bayou News in the past seven days: Idea Village Announces 2015 ...

Week in Review: June 23, 2014

10 years ago

The Silicon Bayou has been buzzing with tech and entrepreneurial news. Here are the most popular stories published on Silicon Bayou News in the past seven days: NOLATech Week Announces 2014 ...

Week in Review: May 19, 2014

10 years ago

The Silicon Bayou has been buzzing with tech and entrepreneurial news. Here are the most popular stories published on Silicon Bayou News in the past seven days:   New Orleans Native ...