Propeller is searching for social entrepreneurs, innovators, and people who care about seeing a rebirth in New Orleans continue to apply to both of the 2012 PitchNOLA competitions: Community Solutions and Lots of Progress. Each with a different end goal, both recognize a challenge the city faces, are currently accepting pitch applications, and will eventually choose a winner at the pitch nights happening in November. The application deadline for Community Solutions is October 15th, 2012 and the deadline for Lots of Progress is October 22nd, 2012.
PitchNOLA 2012: Community Solutions
Propeller and other organizations throughout the city recognize that New Orleans still faces issues in education, poverty, health, food, the environment, etc. With PitchNOLA: Community Solutions, Propeller hopes to gather pitches from individuals and team that will be a sustainable solution to solving a pressing social or environmental challenge in the city.
The pitch must meet the following criteria:
- It must seek to create a social and/or environmental impact. The idea may involve a nonprofit, for-profit, or hybrid model venture, as long as a measurable social impact is central to its mission and operations.
- It must have a plan for organizational and/or financial sustainability. We give preference to earned revenue initiatives or initiatives where there is a demonstrated potential recurring stream of revenue.
Applications are due on October 15th, 2012 and the pitch night will take place on November 14th, 2012 from 6:30 to 8:30pm at the Tulane Freeman Auditorium.
PitchNOLA 2012: Lots of Progress
Silicon Bayou News briefly covered this a few weeks ago, explaining that Propeller is looking for individuals or organizations to pitch an idea that will utilize vacant lots around the city to benefit the community. Judges will judge the proposals on potential social or environmental impact (20%), financial or organizational sustainability (50%), and viability (30%). More details and an application can be found here. The winner will be able to choose a vacant lot of their choice. The pitch night will be held on November 15th, 2012 from 6:30 to 8:30pm at the new Propeller Incubator and the application deadline is October 22, 2012.
Find out more here and register now to be an audience member for either or both pitch nights.